On Mystical Experiences
Mystical experiences

Mystical experiences can happen to anyone at any time. Whether, or not you choose to accept how these experiences happened is completely personal. Some of the most powerfully common experiences include synchronistic moments, insightful dreams, and clairvoyant thoughts.
Synchronistic moments can be a really weird thing. Sometimes the experience can leave you so baffled that you begin to question the true weight of reality. These kinds of experiences are closely tied to the law of attraction and manifestation. Sometimes a person wants something so bad that all they think about is that target. Whether it’s a object, goal, or person. Your thoughts vibrate, just like everything else in the universe. Since vibrations impact the world and its physical operations, your thoughts are impacting your reality at all times. Summoning your deepest vibrational responses. If you think negative, you get more negative. If you think positive, you get more positive, (Bryne, 2017). That’s why there are those times where you thought so much about an event happening...for instance you wanted to spin a DJ gig, and suddenly things begin to shift so that you end up doing just that. You may meet the owner of a club in some random way who then tells you about his location, and how he just fired the last DJ for whatever reason. Here is the opportunity you have been waiting for! So you tell him you are a DJ and BAM! It’s really that easy. Now manifestation takes some time. Just because you think about it now doesn’t mean you will get it tomorrow. Things need to shift, and fall in place before they are of benefit to you. That’s why it’s important to continuously feed those thoughts of your positive desire, no matter what you may be facing at the time. These kinds of moments can really bring you a level of awe that makes you feel safe on all platforms because something is there working with you to get you to the next step.
Dreams are said to be communications from our subconscious. In reality they are so much more than that. Dreams are connected to your intuition, which is generated from your third eye, which is constantly aware of unspoken hidden information. Sometimes you dream with a totem and then find out that that dream was very related to whatever you are facing at that time. The totem meaning can even be guiding you to something. Usually people end up seeing the correlations between their dreams and symbolism. After this they usually begin to question if there are other entities that are serving humanity. Other times you may dream with a loved one who may be giving you advice, before the event that is being addressed happens. These kinds of experiences usually drive in deeper that there is a world after this one. Clearly your loved one still exists if they came to you in a dream and gave you the winning mega-million, or helped you avoid death. Usually the totem and other spiritual links like talking to loved ones happen one after the other. So it’s important to pay attention to all dreams and how they are connected to each other.
Now, has there ever been a moment where you knew information you shouldn’t have known? Maybe there was absolutely no way you could know this information, but somehow you know it and you’re correct. Clairvoyant moments are made up of just that, hidden information now made available through non-conventional means. This information can reach a person through any of the senses. Maybe you hear it, see it as one watches a movie, feel it, live it, or taste it. The most common are visionary and auditory. The information is completely relative to when you tap into your third eye, and how the entire event plays out. You may be talking to someone, and then you know something intimate about them. Other times you may know a new skill before you even read it in a book. The power behind clairvoyant moments is through becoming one with your astral-self. These kinds of experiences can be scary to many as it is uncommon for most. I don’t use unnatural because we are born with an astral-self, we all have a third eye, and we all have the ability to pick up vibrations from our environment so that we can processes higher levels of information. So… 8 out of 10 times it isn’t some negative supernatural thing. It’s you using your body, ("Spirit Science 1 ~ Thoughts", 2017).
Same as when you use your arm. For those who do not grow afraid, this can be a moving experience as it can inspire one to pursue the meaning of spirituality. These kinds of events are most common in those who have directed themselves in a spiritually authentic manner, as they are more in tune with themselves.
Master Antojai
Carrasquillo, A. (2017). Antojai Shamanic Wellness
Copyright © 2017 Antojai Shamanic Wellness, All rights reserved.
Photo by Aziz Acharki
Seaward, B. L. (2013). Health of the Human Spirit, 2nd Edition. [Kaplan]. Retrieved from https://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781284090444/
Spirit Science 1 ~ Thoughts. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 5 July 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmN2RL4VJsE
Bryne, R. (2017). The Secret (2nd ed., pp. http://glearning.tju.edu.cn/pluginfile.php/145488/mod_resource/content/1/The.Secret.%28Rhonda.Byrne%29.pdf). New York, NY: Atria Books.